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摩斯与最后的前传 HD中字

This documentary marks the end of the epic tale of Inspector Morse, the iconic Oxford detective cele...展开brated the world over. From the original Inspector Morse (1987-2000), through to the spin off ‘Lewis’ in (2006-2015) and after ten years,  the series ‘Endeavour’, which explores the detective’s back story in 1960s Britain, the story of Inspector Morse is finally coming to an end.Featuring interviews with all the main cast members, we explore the huge global appeal of this Oxford universe of crime.We go behind the scenes during the filming of the last series of ‘Endeavour’ as they tie together over six decades of interconnecting plots.Actress Abigail Thaw, daughter of original Morse star John Thaw reveals how she became a regular member of the ‘Endeavour’ cast.Lead ‘Endeavour’ star Shaun Evans explores the journey he’s taken from bringing the origins of the detective to life to his more recent challenges directing episodes of the series.Original Morse star ‘Kevin Whately’ reflects on the huge effect the hit detective series has had on his career.And as the series comes to an end all the cast and crew of ‘Endeavour’ reflect on the rich appeal of this series set in 60s Britain as they bring this epic story to an end.Narrated by Barbara Flynn.收起



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彼得莱斯:梦想工程师 HD中字 A cinematic homage to Peter Rice, one of the most distinguished engineers of the late 20th century
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飓风奇劫英语 惊悚 犯罪 动作
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大脑超载 HD 数字技术的发展,在给人类文明带来福利的同时,也给人类带来巨大的负面影响。纪录片中采访了多位专家,从多个角度进行了剖析。
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