Ksyusha hardly remembers her father: he disappeared when she was still little. And now, 10 years lat...展开er, his icy body is found in the mountains. Incredibly, he is showing signs of life, even though he is in a coma. In this state, he is brought home. Ksyusha's mother remarried a long time ago, and the return of the former owner destroys the quiet life of the family: inexplicable and terrible things that carry a mortal threat begin to happen in the house, and Ksyusha's mother is behaving more and more strangely ... The girl begins to suspect that together with her father in something supernatural, icy, lifeless has come to their home. And now Ksyusha and her stepfather have to protect the family from a demonic entity.收起


冰魔 HD中字版


本德尔:帝国的黄金 已完结 Sergey Bezrukov Aram Vardevanyan Nikita Kologrivyy  《12把椅子》小说中的骗子主角奥斯塔普·本德尔的前传故事。帝国的黄金狩猎仍在继续。一根无价的魔杖,一个本应在阳光明媚的里约热内卢提供童话般生活的宝藏,从易卜拉欣·本德尔和他的年轻学生奥斯塔普顽
本德尔:帝国的黄金 动作 喜剧 冒险
本德尔:起点 已完结 Sergey Bezrukov Aram Vardevanyan Nikita Kologrivyy  《12把椅子》小说中的骗子主角奥斯塔普·本德尔的前传故事。1919年。命运使得年轻的理想主义者奥修与土耳其臣民、骗子易卜拉欣·本德展开对决。正直的奥修永远不会和这样一个肆无忌惮、狡猾的骗子联系
本德尔:起点 动作 喜剧 冒险
列兵查林 HD中字 1943年秋。经过几个月艰苦的阵地战,别利亚耶夫少校领导的营伤亡过半。洛博达中尉报告说,他对主宰前线的王牌德国狙击手无能为力。唯一的希望是增援来的士兵,其中应该包括有经验的狙击手。但期待已久的增援纵队
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