In this spectacular series, Professor Cox offers an original new perspective on human life: the stor...展开y of a group of apes that evolved to leave their home planet and step out into the universe.Humans are curious creatures. Of all the species on Earth, we alone ask questions. This series tackles the greatest questions we've ever asked. Where are we in the universe? Why are we here? How did the human brain arise and why did we become consciousness? Will our search for alien life be successful or are we all alone? And what is our future?In search of answers, Brian sets off across the globe collecting clues from the people that he encounters and linking them to the latest scientific thinking on each question. Combining beautiful location photography, imaginative CGI and his own magical storytelling Brian presents a new understanding of the ultimate wonder of the universe - us.收起
桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉 汤姆·伯克 亚历山德拉·道灵 Howard Charles 彼得·卡帕尔迪 卢克·帕斯夸尼洛 瑞安·盖奇
BBC制作的新版《火枪手》(The Musketeers)曝光了最新宣传照,聚焦了卢克·帕斯夸尼洛饰演的达达尼昂、汤姆·伯克饰演的阿多斯、桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉饰演的阿拉密斯和霍华德·查尔斯饰演的波尔