汽车先生和圣殿骑士团 HD中字

Mr. Tomasz, who sometimes introduced himself as Tomasz the Vagabond, was called by his friends Mr. S...展开amochodzik. He owed his nickname to an unusual vehicle inherited from his uncle-inventor. This car, although ugly, "a cross between a canoe and a wheelbarrow", as the malicious people called it, had incredible capabilities: with a Ferrari 410 engine, it could run at a speed of 280 km per hour. Thanks to the screw used, it served as a motor boat. In this vehicle, Mr. Tomasz went to Poland to decipher another historical mystery, to catch thieves and smugglers trying to steal valuable historic items. Treasure hunting is great, but... it's better that no one interferes with it... In the meantime, some Danes and a suspicious group of Polish youth follow the trail of Mr. Samochodzik's search in the Teutonic castles and the headquarters of the Templars. To find the treasure you need a lot of knowledge, cunning and... a lot of luck. Who will have more?收起



毒从口入:食物的丑陋真相 HD中字 Darin Detwiler Rene Costa  Foodborne pathogens kill around 3,000 people in the U.S. every year and hospitalize hundreds of th
毒从口入:食物的丑陋真相 纪录
地球未知档案:宇宙时光机 HD中字 用詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜拍摄遥远星系,栩栩如生的照片令人浮想联翩。这部纪录片记录了这台望远镜从开发到推出的历史过程。
地球未知档案:宇宙时光机 纪录
斯蒂芬·库里:不容小觑 HD中字 斯蒂芬·库里  聚焦库里的篮球之路,也将回顾他2008年带领戴维森学院在NCAA技惊四座的表现。“爆发力和运动能力远远低于NBA标准,对于NBA控球后卫位置,身高6尺2寸的他体型极小,不要倚仗他带领你的球队运
斯蒂芬·库里:不容小觑 运动 纪录
地球未知档案:失落的金字塔 HD中字 在这部纪录片中,埃及考古学家们搜寻一座被掩埋的金字塔。他们掘开尘封的历史,发现了 4000 多年前的坟墓和文物。
地球未知档案:失落的金字塔 纪录
肌肉混战:美国角斗士传奇 全5集 Danny Lee Clark Debbie Clark Erika Andersch Jim Starr Lori Fetrick 迈克·霍顿 雷伊·霍莉特 Sha-Ri Pendleton Shirley Eson Steve Henneberry  在90年代,惊险刺激的电视节目《美国角斗士》令观众兴奋不已。这部系列纪录片探讨了这档节目的成功以及它如何险些胎死腹中。
肌肉混战:美国角斗士传奇 运动 纪录
愤怒的黑人女孩与她的怪物 HD中字 Chad L. Coleman Laya DeLeon Hayes 丹泽尔·惠特克  It tells the story of teenage anti-hero, Vicaria, who is on a desperate quest to cure death.
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好好照顾玛雅:虐儿案罗生门 HD中字 As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to
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青春皇家恋曲:玛格丽特公主 HD中字 艾丽·瑞亚侬·穆勒·奥斯本 弗罗德·温瑟 Kirsti Stubø Sammy Germain Wadi  遭遇舞会丑闻后,玛格丽特公主渴望拥有正常的生活。在艰难维持完形象的同时,她还要应对家庭矛盾。
青春皇家恋曲:玛格丽特公主 爱情 剧情
恐惧之灵 HD Christopher Lee Page Kevin Bohleber Jordinn Ballenger  A man wakes in an empty suburban house with no memory and blood smeared on his arm. As he frantica
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