
导演: 弗雷德·沃尔顿

主演: 唐纳德·萨瑟兰查尔斯·德恩贝琳达·宝儿约瑟夫·索默詹姆斯·墨塔夫艾迪生·鲍威尔

状态: HD

剧情: Life in the Catholic Church of the Holy Redeemer in Detroit is upset by a series of killings whose v...展开ictims are all priests and nuns. All victims are found with a black rosary in their hands. Father Koesler begins collaborating with the police but soon finds himself in a spot when the killer decides to choose him as confessor.收起


阁楼里的花1987 HD 路易丝·弗莱彻 克里斯蒂·斯旺森 伦纳德·曼 维多利亚·田纳特  这是一部超级阴暗和恐怖的电影。一个女的和她的亲叔叔私奔,离开了原来富裕的大家庭,组建了自己的家庭,生了5个孩子,过着清贫的日子。有一天她突然被告知老公意外身亡了,无奈只好带着五个孩子投奔娘家。回到娘家
阁楼里的花1987 剧情 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖
夺命血玫瑰 HD 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 查尔斯·德恩 贝琳达·宝儿 约瑟夫·索默 詹姆斯·墨塔夫 艾迪生·鲍威尔  Life in the Catholic Church of the Holy Redeemer in Detroit is upset by a series of killings whose
夺命血玫瑰 剧情 悬疑 惊悚 犯罪