
导演: 埃德·埃伦伯格

主演: Jan KwiecinskiEva PedrazaEmma Jane

状态: HD

剧情: Ukrainia - October 1941 - A small group of scattered German soldiers occupies a beautiful little set...展开tlement of Russia-Germans. There are only about a dozen women, a few children and old people left in the village, who welcome the Nazi soldiers happily as liberators, hopefully getting rescued from the impending Russian deportation.Even the young Nazi soldiers appear to be ordinary human beings with a civilian past, joking and fooling around. Both groups peacefully get closer and become nearly friends.But then there happens an assault a young woman gets killed by the Nazi officer, and in return the officer gets killed in self-defense by another settler. Now the situation changes, the villagers and the former seemingly friendly German soldiers start to torture and execute each other. Like in a counting-out rhyme, one by one of both sides drops down dead.Soldiers and civilians become cruel and brutal killers, committing crimes they surely won't tell their grandchildren...收起


爱上露 7.0 高清 凯塔琳娜·洛伦茨 亚历山大·吉尔  俄裔哲学家、心理学家露·安德烈亚斯-莎乐美寡居在纳粹德国,一位年轻学者的到访令她回想起自己的过往,圣彼得堡的求学生涯、青年时期的成就与爱情一一浮现在眼前。本片是哲学家莎乐美的传记电影,用交叉剪辑的方式将她生命中最重要也最富传奇色彩的三个时段呈现出来,连接这些片段的线索则是明信片,角色被放置于静态的景物和人物之间,宛若行在画中。
爱上露 爱情 传记
生活的烦恼 已完结 塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 曼努尔·科特兹 卡萝莉娜·洛迪嘉  在这场男人与房子的对抗赛中,DIY的含义是“亲手毁灭一切”。凯的妻子因娜刚刚怀了第二个孩子,他们又刚刚新买了房子,凯的生活彻底发生了变化,他必须担负起男人的责任。凯需要接受的第一项挑战是改造他们的房子,将有些破旧的房子变成他们理想中的家。毫无经验的凯和他的两个朋友佩多和尤夫兴致勃勃,立即投入到改造工作中。然而,出师不利,刚一开始就被锤子砸了手指,之后一切都并不顺利。三个倒霉的家伙垂头丧气,似乎做什么都做不好了,房子似乎被改造的更糟了。凯决定坚持到底,但是妻子因娜决定要在凯将房子彻底毁掉前阻止凯……
生活的烦恼 喜剧 剧情
听见寂静 7.0 HD Jan Kwiecinski Eva Pedraza Emma Jane  Ukrainia - October 1941 - A small group of scattered German soldiers occupies a beautiful little set
听见寂静 剧情 战争