


剧集 恐怖 悬疑 惊悚 犯罪 剧情 2002 英国


导演: 莎拉·赫林斯 

主演: 约翰·纳特尔斯 丹尼尔·凯西 安东·罗杰斯 芭芭拉·雷吉-亨特 Gerda Stevenson 

状态: 已完结

剧情: Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barnaby...展开 and Troy soon find themselves investigating the murder of Marjorie Empson who is found in her home bludgeoned to death. The focus of their attention is the the Reading Club, a group of five women who meet regularly not to discuss books in fact, but to manage a investment fund they have established. Two of the members were hoping to cash out their investments, but were prevented from doing so by the others. There are several other suspects, all in one way or another connected to the financial and investment world, but when a second member of the book club is killed, the police realize they may need to look for an altogether different motive.收起


摩斯探长第八季 8.0 全1集 约翰·肖 凯文·沃特利 尼古拉斯·勒·普雷沃斯特 克里斯托弗·法里班克 米歇尔·费尔利  Steven Parnell, who was accused of murdering a number young girls the previous summer, is killed w
摩斯探长第八季 剧情 悬疑 犯罪
福利斯特探案集 8.3 全2集 大卫·杰森 约翰·莱昂斯  英国社会派推理剧巅峰之作。英国常演不衰的经典探案剧之一,连续播放长达十八年之久。英国经典探案剧。福利斯特是一位不按规矩做事的老探员,常常让他的上司头疼不已。讹诈、勒索、谋杀、离奇命案……侦探用
福利斯特探案集 喜剧 悬疑 犯罪 剧情
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