
导演: 阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔让·热内

主演: 琳娜·库德里Naïm El Kaldaoui莱奥·卡拉克斯

状态: HD

剧情: SynopsisIn the Allegory of the Cave, Plato ponders: what would happen if one of the prisoners manage...展开d to free themselves from their chains and escape from the cave? What if that prisoner were Jay, a little 7-year-old boy?Director’s statementWhat lies behind the daily movement of a city? Last winter, we met in Paris and began discussing the Allegory of the Cave, as told in Plato’s Republic. The myth imagines humanity living in chains, facing the back of a cave, and watching shadows move on the walls, thinking it is reality. We both work with images, which certainly can be illusions, but can also become instruments of struggle and liberation of thought. So, from this discussion, we decided to create a short film. We had a few fixed ideas—the cave, the dance, the city bustling around us—and one question: what would happen if we all managed to turn together towards the exit of the cave? Perhaps it is not enough to assert that images are illusions as long as the chains that bind us are real.收起


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