


电影 恐怖 2017 其它


导演: Poison Rouge 

主演: Roberto Scorza Flora Giannattasio 

状态: HD中字

剧情:   Haunted by the death of his father and other psychological traumas, Daniel (Roberto Scorza) return...展开s to the home where he was raised. Faced with intense emotional scars, as well as physical -- which are realized by the years of self-harm depicted by the cuttings adorning his body -- he enters the bathroom to begin a journey of self-exploration, self-mutilation and quite possibly, self-enlightenment. Prepared only with three white candles and some crude instruments, Daniel attempts to beckon the embrace of the Goddess Ishtar (Flora Giannattasio) to assist him on his self-illumination. Beginning with a blade, Daniel digs into the palm of his hand, as deep crimson flows into the bathtub. Lapping up the blood from his fresh gash he sexually caresses the wound with his tongue (ala cunnilingus), thus commencing his voyage.收起


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